Monday, July 15, 2013

Presidents' Handover Evening

The Rotary Club of Gibraltar recently held their annual Presidents' Dinner at the Rock Hotel. Outgoing president Jennifer Stentiford handed over to Lyana Armstrong-Emery for the new year 2013/14. In her farewell address Mrs. Stentiford  thanked everyone for their support over the past year, particularly those on the Committee.  She also presented two cheques from fund raising events held  during the year. One was donated to Dr Alan Lillywhite, Consultant Psychiatrist, GHA on behalf of KGV and  the other to Mrs Emily Adamberry Olivero, MBE of Clubhouse Gibraltar.

The evening was inaugurated by a fanfare played by Band Sargeant, Mark Alcantara, Bugler from the Royal Gibraltar Regiment dressed in full regalia.

The event was well attended, with a number of distinguished guests including the Hon. Dr John Cortes, Minister for Health & Environment and his wife, Valerie;  the Reverend Scott Brown QHC, Chaplain of the Fleet; Mr Joseph Palmero, President of the Lions Club of Gibraltar  and his wife,Maggie. Also present was Maria Vazquez from the Rotary Club of San Pedro de Alcantara, Spain and visiting Iceland Clubhouse Director, Ester Eliasdottir.

In her first address as the new Rotary Club President, Lyana Armstrong- Emery expressed the hope that both the Rotary Club of Gibraltar and the local community will be able to continue working closely together for the benefit of the Rock and its people.


Handover Photos

Friday, July 12, 2013

Annual Rotary International Convention

Former Mayor Momy Levy joined the Gibraltar Rotary Club in 1967 and is the longest serving member of the locl club. In 1975 he was President of the Club.

Last week together with seven other Rotarians attended the International Convention in Lisbon.
This is the first time ever that Momy has attended a Rotary International Convention. "Normally they are held in far away places" said Momy. There were 30,000 Rotarians of which 4,000 were from Japan and the rest from every part of the world.

Momy ceertainly made his presence felt as a Gibraltarian Rotarian and he was delighted to show off the Rock.

The only thing that struck Momy was when he was asked when did you join Rotary and he said in 1967 quite a few Rotarians said, "I was not born yet".