Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rotary President's Handover Evening

The Rotary Club of Gibraltar held their annual Presidential handover on Tuesday 5th July. Master of ceremonies Chris Rawlinson welcomed members and guests and then outlined the agenda for the evening.

The outgoing President, Julian Risso gave a brief speech in which he highlighted all Rotary’s achievements for the past year. He also thanked Mrs Jane Hart,Chairperson of the Fund Raising Committee for all the hard work she and her committee had put in throughout the previous twelve months. Mr Risso also commended Penny Pilley for her outstanding work as secretary, Lyana Armstrong-Emery for her efforts as PR/Press Officer and everyone else who had worked so hard throughout the year to ensure the success of the Club.

He then handed the chain of office over to his successor,Tony Nation.  Mr Nation gave a brief speech and then, in turn, welcomed the new President Elect, Mrs Jennifer Stentiford as well as handing the floor
over to the visiting District Governor, Lynn Mitchell from District 1120.

After a brief speech everyone went to a reception held by the poolside of Rock Hotel.Dinner followed accompanied by the delightful sounds of music from the inimitable Valverde Brothers.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Rotary President, Tony Nation's speech

Thank you very much, Julian.

It is certainly an honour to be wearing this collar, and to be able to represent the Rotary Club of Gibraltar for a second term.

I think I speak for everyone in saying what a splendid job you have done over the past twelve months as President, and thank you very much for all your efforts, and I know your help and guidance in the future will be of great value. (PP Pin)

I am going to start my term as President with an apology. The past two months should have seen me being a busy bee getting everything into shape for my year. Instead, I have been off travelling the world and enjoying myself, and yes, thank you very much -

Anne and I had a wonderful time. But I am back now, and I promise you that you have my full attention, and I am sure we are all looking forward to another action-packed Rotary year.

I am not going to go over the plans for next year, as I outlined this during my address to you all at the club assembly, back in May, but what I will repeat from that speech is my heartfelt thanks to all those of you who have offered your services in a variety of ways to ensure the Club runs and performs as it should do next year. I sincerely appreciate your support and I look forward to us working together.

Also a special thanks to President Elect Jennifer for filling in for me in my absence. I know she has done a lot of work, and I have her to thank for organising this evening.

But a much bigger thanks, not just from me, but from the Club as a whole must be to Anne, the Minister of Home Affairs, who has agreed to put up with me serving as your President for a second term, and accepting all that this involves, and above all, the support she will be giving me, and really, if the truth be known, I could not do it without her.

As you are going to hear enough of me over the next twelve months, there is no need for me to carry on now, so I will let you hear the latest news from District 1120, and ask you to give District Governor Lynn, in her very first official engagement in that role, a big warm Gibraltar welcome.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Convent Open Day June 2011

Rotary Stall in the gardens of the Convent

Sir Adrian and Lady Johns with Dogs and Visitors

Rotary Club Book and Cake Stall.

Music from the Royal Gibraltar Regiment Band
Barbara & Jane


