The event was to honour twenty-one students who received the Award and parents, Rotarians and the youngsters themselves swelled the numbers present to well over one hundred. Each young person was presented with a framed certificate by the Mayor and a lapel badge from the President of the Rotary Club, Raju Alwani. This followed nine months of hard work (additional to their school work) concentrating on community activities of various kinds. This included public service projects, physical recreation, the development of their own personal skills and a series of activities in the community that required them to become involved with public commemorations, meetings, religious and cultural issues and an appreciation of the Arts.

The Rotary Club expressed its appreciation to The Mayor for her speech of welcome and congratulations to both the students for their endeavours and to the Rotary Club for running the scheme. The Mayor, the Minister and all the guests were thanked for their support of the scheme. In particular, the St John Ambulance Brigade, the Environment Agency and the Methodist Church were thanked for their co-operation
with the community projects required of the scheme.
The Head Teachers of the two schools were thanked for their tolerance of the intrusion of the Rotary Club into their already busy lives, but hoped that the scheme would run on into the future as the Club continued to forge the link between school and community. In particular, Mr Colin Skinner and Ms Belinda Bautista were thanked for their assistance in organising the running of the scheme within Bayside and Westside schools, respectively.

Very good.